
16. What types of Bonuses can I get?

In addition to 80% Mavro growth per month participants can get the following bonuses:

Level Bonus

Participants are credited with a Level Bonus of 10% from the amount of the contribution made by each new member you invited to the System.

The same time, understanding that MMM network can’t exist without development and participants’ encouragement in the form of Level Bonus motivate many people to take an active position.

Note: Complete 3Direct to open the 2nd and further level other wise bussiness should flush out.

global2020 Bonus

  • Get Total 10 direct's then get 5$ Daily till 10 days.
  • Get Total 30 Direct's then get 10$ Daily till 30 days.
  • Get Total 60 Direct's then get 20$ Daily till 60 days.
  • Get Total 100 Direct's then get 30$ Daily till 100 days.


Royalty Bonus

  • Achieve Direct Business of $1,00,000 then Get Daily 500$..
  • Achieve Direct Business of $2,00,000 then Get Daily $1,000.


Designation Bonus

Upper Designation Member get 100$ On Every New Designation achievement in his down Line.


  • 10 Direct
  • 30 Direct
  • 60 Direct
  • 100 Direct
  • 100000$ Investor
  • 200000$ Investor



+5% or +3% of the amount of the received help. Each participant is obliged to send the "Letter of happiness" after receiving help. If the letter is accompanied by video (a link for published video in an open source of internet), then the participant will get a relevant bonus. The bonus is added for the video in each "Letter of happiness."

  • 5% of the amount of the received help will be accrued if the video will show your face and voice, and of course, provide the proof of money receipt.
  • 3% of the amount of the received help you will get if you provide the video confirming the withdrawal, which will not show you personally. You just demonstrate on the screen your personal office of MMM and your evidence of getting help in the form of bank statements from your bank account or from the Internet banking or your Bitcoin wallet.

The bonus for video is paid in Mavro 30% and frozen for one month. If during this period you decide to remove your video form an open source of internet, the bonus will be cancelled.